May 2020 Show and Tell
R-Ladies events online are a new challenge for us in the time of COVID-19. We were a bit scared to run workshop type events online so decided to go low stakes and start a new series called Show and Tell.
At Show and Tell events, members can turn up with some code that they are proud of (or some code that is driving them crazy) and share it with others.
Here are links to some tips and tricks (and really impressive transport maps) shared by R-Ladies Sydney members at the May event.
ggplot tricks by Jenny Sloane
dplyr tricks and using R to analyse how spending patterns have changed since lockdown by Jen Richmond.
Belinda was prepping a talk about using leaflet to make amazing maps of transport data. Her talk was awesome and you can watch the whole thing here
So, I'm going to do a Melbourne R user's group talk about this rough proof of concept from last year. (Using library(googleway) and leaflet.)
— Belinda (@Surgisse) January 23, 2020
It shows predicted travel time difference in minutes (at origin) between modes, to a common destination.